Xavier Shay

Xavier Shay

Hello nice to meet you 👋. I make computers do wonderful things, lead teams, swing dance, run, play piano, live vegan, and I teach others the same. I live in Melbourne, Australia.


My email is hello@xaviershay.com.


I use Twitter, Mastodon, Goodreads, Facebook and Strava.


I blog about books and politics in one place, code in another, and publish videos to YouTube. Also sometimes I make sheet music.


I currently work with the wonderful humans at Ferocia building Up, a digital bank.

I am active in the open source community, sourcing nearly 100 projects on Github. I am a core team member of RSpec, formerly Bundler, and a Ruby on Rails contributor.

I have spoken at RubyConf, RailsConf, and many regional conferences. You can find recordings at Confreaks.

In 2010 I travelled the world running a series of Ruby on Rails workshops titled Your Database Is Your Friend Training. I blog about code at Robot Has No Heart and used to write a weekly column for RubySource. I have a style guide.

I have worked on many big commercial projects including Square, The Conversation, ClearGrain, and Redbubble. I made and maintain the Vegan Melbourne website.

Personal Development

My brother and I wrote the personal development blog TwoShay and ran a regular month long vegan mentoring group Vegan Month. Neither are currently active.

Swing Dancing

I have been swing dancing for over a decade. I irregularly teach, and run a dancing related website: EventHand for dance event management.